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The ICTP in Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico
The programs are designed to fulfill the main objectives of the Centre established in its draft creation, mainly to promote academic development and scientific research capabilities in the countries in the area of Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico. The programs are designed so that the MCTP replicates as faithfully as possible, in its organization, design and operation, the ICTP in Trieste, Italy. The central goal of the core programs described below will be to make the MCTP an international centre of science, academic exchange and mobility; always involving scientists of the highest quality worldwide in their programs.
Programs should be coordinated by the permanent members of MCTP. The organizing committees of each particular event can integrate scientists from other institutions, whether national or international, in addition to at least one local member. The events must always have an international advisory committee. In the initial phase of the Centre, the program may be coordinated by scientific associates, ensuring that this responsibility is delegated to the permanent members in the shortest possible time.
These programs are subject to constant revision and reorganization, always checking that they are aimed at fulfilling the central objectives of the centre.
The MCTP hosts a program of scientific schools and conferences. The schedule is fixed annually, the events to be staged are selected by competition.
This program includes the areas of research at the centre, namely: Energy, Physics, Mathematics and Environment.
In order to suggest activities in this program, please see the site Proposals to Organize Activities.
In order to facilitate and strengthen academic and scientific capacities, and ensure the uninterrupted operation of its programs, the Centre is establishing general and specific agreements with academic and scientific institutions in the region, particularly aimed at promoting and ensuring mobility of researchers and students. Through these agreements we seek to maintain a permanent academic exchange to ensure the presence at MCTP of well known scientific personnel from the institutions involved. It also seeks to establish cooperation agreements with scientific societies of the region, aimed at strengthening and maintaining MCTP programs.
The Center organizes permanently a calendar of scientific and academic activities in the areas of Physics and Mathematics, Energy and Environment involving scientists as keynote speakers with worldwide recognition.
This program is designed to promote the organization of regional academic meetings, in the form of schools and scientific conferences in the areas of Physics and Mathematics, Energy and Environment not included in the program of schools and conferences and proposed by Research Associates at the centre and / or in conjunction with the various regional scientific organizations with which collaborative agreements are established, facilitating the use by them of the facilities and logistical capacity of the MCTP.
These activities shall be included, to the extent possible, in the annual program of activities to provide a wide dissemination. The organization of these events can rest solely with researchers external to the centre, although the direct participation of permanent staff is desirable. In any case, it will be ensured that these events are governed by the same academic program that schools and conferences, especially with regard to the international level of the speakers and the regional distribution of participants.
In order to maintain in a continuous manner a high-level academic atmosphere, the MCTP promotes the presence at all times of international researchers who conduct academic and research stays of short and long duration. For this, the Centre will provide logistic facilities and adequate physical space, always promoting interaction between all of the visiting researchers and students.
In order to complement the academic activities and in order to strengthen and maintain active the scientific activities in the MCTP, postdoctoral program, will be established, mainly aimed at young researchers that are graduates of international level graduate programs. This program will open its competition annually, closing in December of each year. The start date of the stays will be made in agreement with the beneficiaries, without being earlier than August or later than November of the year following the competition. The length of stay will be agreed depending on the center's resources, preferably with a minimum duration of two years.
Status: inactive
The MCTP will establish mobility and academic exchange agreements with academic institutions and high-level scientific laboratories in the region, to encourage outstanding young researchers to conduct short term research stays, associated with experimental projects developed in the institutions involved. The program of visits will be subject to the capacities of the laboratories associated with the program, and the resources devoted to it, enabling at all times the preferential participation of researchers from the less developed academic institutions in the region.
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